Emma Bidwell

Emma Bidwell, an accomplished artist, delves into the interplay of photography and printmaking within the context of an ever-evolving world. Her creative journey is deeply rooted in the utilization of family photographs that have been passed down through generations. Through her artistic practice, Emma explores the intricate dynamics of relationships, evoking a sense of intimacy, nostalgia, and narratives from the past. Her artistic approach doesn’t shy away from raw and genuine emotions, resulting in artworks that are both candid and authentic.

Employing a range of techniques including digital drawing, screen printing, and intaglio printmaking, Emma’s creations navigate themes of memory, the passage of time, and the inherent sense of loss within relationships. Her work is a profound exploration of human connections and the emotions that accompany them.

With her portfolio gaining recognition, including an exhibition at the prestigious Royal Academy Summer Show, Emma has developed a fresh interest in the realm of curating art shows. Her multifaceted approach to art and her ability to evoke deep emotions through her creations reflect her commitment to exploring the human experience through the lens of visual expression.